Untitled (Growth)
Dimensions vary
Plaster and White Sand
I created this piece following Untitled (Growth). I was largely inspired by the changes happening in my life and created something that took on the resemblance of my favorite plants, succulents. I disassembled a fake succulent and made a resin mold of all the individual parts. After sanding all of them down by hand, I formed these pieces into cluster in a random formation. Since I was so fond of the monotonous repetition of my previous sculpture and I wanted to continue using this method. Not only does this piece resemble a the growth of organic forms but also my progress and growth in my mental strength and ability.
Hand-Cut Paper Mandala Series
8" x 8" x 4"
These mandalas are created by stacking multiple layers of paper that are hand cut to create an intricate design. The designs are inspire by crocheted doily designs, rose windows, and floral elements. I enjoyed drawing mandalas but didn't like the flatness when presented as just a single sheet of paper. By dividing the design into different layers it creates an interaction between the different layers when light if shined on them, casting shadows creating shapes that add depth and additional visual interest. I installed LED light in the back of the frame so that in the dark the mandala could be illuminated and give a nice soft glow. All three are for sale in my shop.